
Difficulty of inclusion of LGBTQIAP+ in the job market is still a striking reality in Brazil

Posted in: 01/29/2021

The inclusion of the LGBTQIAP+ population in the job market is still hindered by lack of opportunities and prejudice. Data indicates that the hiring (or lack thereof) of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, transgender, queer and intersex people is a real problem in Brazil.

Only 10% of trans people in the country participate in the formal labor sector. For the other 90%, there are few options as a source of income, forcing a large part of this population to resort to prostitution, according to data from the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (Antra).

The scenario could be different if more companies worked with inclusion, opening their doors to receive trans people in the job market and embracing the equity of sexual diversity.

Illustration of workers with the trans flag in the background.

Illustration: Michigan Health Lab

Measures of representativeness and inclusion need to be put into practice by companies, both in their hiring and in welcoming these people. Some of them are:

  • Creation of jobs targeting trans people;
  • Targets for hiring trans people;
  • Creation of safe work environments (with inclusive bathrooms, punishments for LGBTphobic attitudes, among others);
  • Respect for the social name. The ideal is to confirm with the person by which name and gender he or she prefers to be addressed;
  • Use of inclusive, neutral language;
  • Equity in promotions and in the recognition of professional performance;
  • Development of an inclusive corporate culture, with well-informed and constantly educated employees to embrace and deal with diversity.

It is important to remember that the criminalization of LGBTphobia was a recent measure in Brazil, taken only in 2019. We are the country that kills the most people from this part of the population. Prejudice against LGBTQIAP+ people is still a strong characteristic of Brazilian society.

Therefore, public policies, legal guarantees, and affirmative action are necessary to ensure the visibility of these groups in society and eradicate violence and prejudice against them.

But the actions of companies are also essential to change this picture and facilitate the entry of these people in the labor market, enabling employment, income, and better living conditions.


Check out some news about the inclusion of the LGBTQIAP+ community in the job market and understand more about the subject: 

Guide “Inclusion of transgender and non-binary people in the Brazilian workplace”

Primer for Human Resources professionals – information for recruiting and hiring transgender people

38% of companies have restrictions on hiring LGBTQI+ people, says survey; ‘veiled prejudice,’ reports trans woman

The job market imposes barriers to the trans population

Trans in the labor market: the struggle of the community for space and inclusion

Transsexuals are excluded from the job market

Trans inclusion in the labor market advances, but still faces obstacles

To watch:  

The UN’s Free & Equal campaign video shows the high cost that the exclusion of transgender people brings to society as a whole: The price of exclusion


*Synergia Socioambiental, in partnership with Transempregos, always seeks to expand its diversity and equity. All our opportunities to hire professionals are also shared on the platform, aimed at the Trans public.*  

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